Marked for learning
Jon Preston
JoinedPosts by Jon Preston
Want to know why people accept evolution ?
by snare&racket indo you have questions about or want to understand evolution?
it is a difficult concept to communicate and so if it is not explained well , it is understandable that we would dismiss it.. i sincerely want to talk with people who want to learn more or see what all the fuss is about.
we are all learning and increasing our knowledge all the time and it is good to go over facts with critical eye.. evolution we can discuss, looking at the foundational facts and evidence, one at a time for you to go and check, agree or disagree with and return.. no pressure to accept it, you can decide for yourself, also no mocking etc of what you have to say.. .
Local Needs talk on Cleanliness and how youll get Hepatitis C if youre not clean.
by Jon Preston ini had to highlight this part because i was dying laughing on the inside when it was given.. the talk first starts by the brother bringing out how clean gods people were in the past and how he gave specific direction to the israelites for disposing if waste.
then he said that a sister stepped in gum outside on the pavement so we should not chew gum at the mints instead!.
then he brought out an important point about keeping the bathroom sanitized and he says: "and just recently we found blood in the sink in one of the bathrooms.
Jon Preston
I had to highlight this part because i was DYING laughing on the inside when it was given.
The talk first starts by the brother bringing out how clean GODs people were in the past and how he gave specific direction to the Israelites for disposing if waste. Then he said that a sister stepped in gum outside on the pavement so we should not chew gum at the KH.Eat mints instead!
Then he brought out an important point about keeping the bathroom sanitized and he says: "and just recently we found blood in the sink in one of the bathrooms. We have to keep these bathrooms clean. Did you know that Hepatitis C can remain on a surface for 6 weeks even if you wife off the blood, and that can lead to extreme liver damage later on? Lets not get theatrical but you see how important it is."
Lol i giggled.Good for the kids right?
"Listen kids sparlock bleeds on the counter cause satan wants you to get HEP C and eat your liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti!"
Jon Preston
Oh i forgot--then a sister gave a part about how jesus was invisible after resurrection and how his return will be invisible.
My thoughts were "Why did they feel his ribs and check his palms to see if it was him? Whered the body go? Isnt it just as plausible to think Jesus went far far away instead of being present but 'invisible'?"
Jon Preston
Interesting. Chalter five of the Jehovah book we talked about how loving he is to give us the Universe and sunlight. Then we discussed hkw in awe one should be at his power to create the universe.
Then we got into how them dangerous atheists and what not dont attribute this power to almighty God and how sad it is.
What did you find interesting about the "study"
BU2B's debut talk about Abiram, with TTATT seasoning
by suavojr inthe debut of our beloved bu2b's ttatt talk in his local congo.... .
in case you missed the original thread here is the link.
Jon Preston
Not if my wife and i were in the crowd smiddy :-) wed just laugh the whole time.
The Poison Of The Watchtower
by Bangalore inthe poison of the watchtower.. .
Jon Preston
“If the disfellowshipped or disassociated one is a relative living outside the immediate family circle and home. It might be possible to have almost no contact at all with the relative. Even if there were some family matters requiring contact, this certainly would be kept to a minimum, in line with the divine principle: “Quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person [or guilty of another gross sin], . . . not even eating with such a man.”—1 Corinthians 5:11.
my favorite part is where they add to the Bible and say (or guilty of another gross sin)......clearly that script only says those two things....pricks.
Need some advice...For my kids
by Jon Preston insince being out mentally and missing meetings my children mention people from the hall and i cant help but feel bad that they are missing the association.
my daughters are 4 and 2 and we live in a small town with not a whole lot to do.
what activities did you do with your kids?
Jon Preston
Since being out mentally and missing meetings my children mention people from the hall and i cant help but feel bad that they are missing the association. My daughters are 4 and 2 and we live in a small town with not a whole lot to do. What activities did you do with your kids? We go to the park and go for walks with our dog. But since becoming a witness i was loaded down and didnt give them enough time and attention....and i dont wanna miss out. We have monday night family reading and crafts at our library so maybe thats a start. My daughter starts pre K in august and id like to start preparing her more for whats to come. Any ideas? My goal is to be an all around better father and really put in the time that used to be taken up with real quality time with the kids and my wife.
i think this may be the real reason for the funk ive been in. Ive felt overtired and kind of lost and id like to start this new path and make it a great one for all of us!
Parents i seek your wisdom and experience! Thanks for all of you being there to talk to :-)
Today i miss my friends and feel negative. How did you overcome?
by Jon Preston intoday nothing feels right.
i feel like a bystander to all things.
as if im nowhere and have no forward progression.
Jon Preston
Thanks everybody! Ive just felt stagnant...and im mostly thinking about my kids. Weve been trying to get things ready to move and to find some pleaces thatd be great for families and that hasnt been going all that well either. So its all just disorganized a bit! Im sure we will figure this out
Today i miss my friends and feel negative. How did you overcome?
by Jon Preston intoday nothing feels right.
i feel like a bystander to all things.
as if im nowhere and have no forward progression.
Jon Preston
Today nothing feels right. I feel like a bystander to all things. As if im nowhere and have no forward progression. My wife and i are looking to move and arent having much luck. Our finances are low, cant afford insurance but make too much for assistance. everything today just seems so heavy. We miss our friends and it angers me that i can only hang with them if im flowing suit and obeying all from the FDs.
How did you overcome your loneliness?
Watching cosmos last night helped and music has been my best inspiration. But im more irritable and less cheery than ive been.
Is it just Nostalgia kicking in?